Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Deep, Dark, Delicious

I got a follower on Wattpad, and I became a follower. Now I’m trying to wrap my
head around the site’s quirks and etiquette. I only just found out what the little star

One thing I don’t want to do is screw myself to a wall, so I’m going to go slow.
I’ve been self-publishing since 1995, and have made every mistake that could be
made online, with my books, and in dealing with other writers. Now popularity
within self-publishing comes down to how much money you can afford for your
monthly ads. Only, I’m not buying into that bullshit. For me, it still comes down to
the story.

I’m shedding my skin like a snake, becoming who I really am within the writing
world. The work is nothing. I can do the hard work.

I’ve always been a big advocate of learning from my past, and that’s where I’m
going to start. My love of the bizarre, the grotesque, and the outlandish.

At one point in time I was an avid collector of Heavy Metal magazine. I missed
the first year’s worth of issues because of my age (I was fifteen, sixteen), but
managed a small trunk full of sweet issues in the following years. It took my skills
as an illustrator up a notch or two, following artists like Enki Bilal, Philippe Caza,
Guido Crepax, Philippe Druillet, Jean-Claude Forest, Jean Giraud (aka Moebius)
and Milo Manara. The mag fed my imagination and then some, and allowed
numerous ideas to ferment into a potent mental brew.

Would hate to piss her metal ass off.

One thing, my standards will remain the same. That is to write the best story I can,
make it within a popular genre, one that I feel excited to write, and go from there.

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