Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Word On Wearing Other’s Shoes

I did bump into a blind author (I take it she sees the difference between light and
dark, and that’s about it) the other day . . . who needed help.

She asked for ideas to make money with, while she got her first offering up and
running. She’s under the impression that pay-to-play is the only way to go. There
was, of course, a couple of condescending remarks that got immediately deleted by
the moderator (Take that! you asshole fuckers!), but I chose to read between the

I’m not blind, but I take care of a disabled person, and live well below the poverty
level for a family of two.

I know what it’s like to want help, need help, ask for help, and get nothing.

How we who have the least, get excluded from just about everything. You can’t
pay to play if you have no money to spare.

What she was really doing was asking the largest community of online writers for
real help. Someone who could help her understand formatting, and verify her
work. Maybe a beta reader or two. Someone to look over her editing choices. Real

I told it like it is. What it’s like for us to live on squat and food stamps. I didn’t
hold back.

I get ripped on for standing up for the little guy now and again, only this time I
decided to head that off at the pass. The last time I got ripped on by a pack of
millionaires, with a few hundred-thousandaires thrown into the mix, and I
reminded folks of that.

They remembered.

Needless to say, she’s getting her help. She’s getting help formatting, getting help
editing, a beta read or two, help with a cover, and help in actually making money
with real ideas that could work.

I’d like to thank those Kindle Board members, here and now. They decided they
could and would help, and are doing just that.

Part two, or the second chapter has been posted of Baby Makes Three. Read it,
vote for it, and leave a comment. The Wattpad link is to your right. You have
nothing to lose.

I’m also working on my web store today. Time to start understanding my store,
and getting my products on it, and those products offered to the public at large by
using social networking. I can now use Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, as well as
Twitter and G+ to their fullest. I can use Facebook, too. If I forgot one, I'll get to it.
I can now use social networking to its fullest.

I’ll be writing the next post as I’m working on the store. How hard or how easy my
dashboard actually is, and the results. I have to make notes, too, while I’m doing
this. It’s so easy to forget a thing or two, things that need to be done.

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