Tuesday, August 16, 2016

If It Isn't Working

My Wattpad story isn't working, even for me. That means I stop wasting my time, and I'll post something else. I need to do a little thinking. Frankly, I sounded like a pretentious twerp. To the round file!

I did sign up to FreeWebStore.com the other day, and this was a (fellow KBoards member's) recommended choice, but also a limited choice. I'm allowed only so many products at one time, which doesn't really bother me, but what does, I'm limited to only one photo of the product. Twenty products, twenty photos. That's it.

My collectibles need more than one photo in order for buyers to see fully what each item is, any possible flaws, or the overall condition of the product. They'll want to see its patina.

That's why I took the Ripley King failed blog that did nothing but truly waste my time, and changed it into Rip's Picks.  My idea is to stop wasting my own time.

This blog, this is the place where I tell the truth as I see it, and I'll do my best to help find solutions to MY problems that even you can use, anywhere in the world. If you can see my words, you should be able to make things work for yourself, with a little direction.

The work never ends.

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