Sunday, September 4, 2016

Moving Forward

I did get my books up on the Rip’s Picks blog, and the choice is there to buy, but
I’m not going to push my books. It’s a passive strategy in the making, based on my
new ability to reach real readers, and not writers. I also changed my newsletter
sign-up form to better reflect Rip’s Picks.

Rip’s Picks appeals to a different segment of people who don’t spend all their time
writing books that may or may not sell. These people are potential readers and
buyers. They probably read just for enjoyment. Remember when you did that?
What I have is an untapped market the size of the world.

You might ask why is that an untapped market?

The answer is this: Every single book marketing opportunity out there on the web
today, like book marketing blogs and all the book marketing newsletters, all they
do to actually market themselves to other writers, or market books for other
writers. Writers, writers, writers everywhere you look, and not an ordinary off-the-
street reader in sight.

They ignore everyone but writers when asking for subscriptions, and these other
writers (who actually subscribe), they get free and discounted e-books in their
mailbox. Or, more writers.

Writers this. Writers that.

Not one book marketing opportunity (in the world today that I know of) advertises
to John or Jane Public.

Not one ad anywhere ordinary people are. Not one ad for them to see, click on,
and subscribe. That’s a lot of readers to ignore.

I’ve seen ads for Fiverr on cable, for Christ’s sake, but not one ad for any book
marketing newsletter, anywhere at all, online or off.

Not one ad. Nothing. They just keep hustling writers for everything.

Every damn person who creates a new book marketing newsletter, the first thing
they do is ask all the writers out in the world today to subscribe to receive free
and discounted books in their email, and BTW, here’s the cost for your ad.

We have a subscription base of 10,000 other writers, JUST LIKE YOU!

Want to buy in? Advertise your books to other writers who struggle to sell their
own damn books? Only $5.00 to $150.00 USD for one ad, one day, one book.
What a great deal!

BookBub, $300.00 to $1,500 USD (more or less, but not by much), for one ad, one
day, one book! What a great deal!

That’s why the book marketing newsletters are increasingly becoming less and
less effective. That’s why most will eventually fail. I only see two to four actually
surviving the near future.

I’d hate to think I’m the only writer who gets this, but I’ve addressed this problem
before, and most of the time I get put in my place. Sit down and shut up.

Anymore, I don’t bother. I keep my thoughts to myself, but I’ll share here. That’s
what this blog is for. I get to share my thoughts.

I see what my problems are, and I address them. New eyes. That’s what I want.
Okay, I’ll have to go gather them. People who have some money to spend and can
either spend it on cool stuff from Rip’s Picks, or might want to actually buy a book
or two.

I’ll do that with my art, too. Pen and inks, some airbrush, or whatever else my
twisted mind can conceive. If you want to see some samples of my art, go to my
Ripley King Facebook page and see what I’ve sold in the past, and what’s possible
in the future, understanding I’ve barely scratched the surface.

In the meantime, become a follower, sign up for my Rip’s Picks newsletter, buy
me a cup of coffee, read my story on Wattpad, vote, leave a comment, or just buy a
book. Read me through your KindleUnlimited subscription.

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