Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The What and The Why

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What I’m doing, and why I’m doing it.

The answer is simple. I want a better life. Others can do this same thing I’m
attempting to do with Rip’s Picks, and make it work. So can I.

I used to have a house, a yard I could mow, a garden I grew my own food in, and I
canned. I had dozens of jars filled with my own food that I grew for the winter,
and I loved it. I want that back. I’m tired of living on little, hoping my food stamps
will stretch the entire month.

I like the tiny house movement, and when you consider most apartments, that’s
akin to a tiny house. Four rooms. I can do four rooms. I just want to own all four
rooms. I’ve spent the last two years researching what it would mean to have a tiny
house. How I would build one, what it might look like, and I can see it on a few
acres, fenced in, and this is what I’m going to do.

My biggest thing is I want to sit outside first thing in the morning, cup of coffee in
hand, and have a cat or two join me. I miss sitting outside in the evenings, too,
watching the skies. You can’t do that living in an apartment.

I want cash to advertise my books. People don’t know I exist. Google, Amazon,
Facebook. I want ads running on these three sites.

I want a real life. My life. My life to be as good as I can make it.

The learning curve will be steep. I’ll make mistakes. The one thing I’ll never do is
stop trying.

In the meantime, become a follower, sign up for my Rip’s Picks newsletter, buy
me a cup of coffee, read my story on Wattpad, vote, leave a comment, or just buy a
book. Read me through your KindleUnlimited subscription.

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